Aliento is a project financed by the ANR (ANR-13-BSH3-0009-3), whose partners are: the laboratory atilf (CNRS), the MSH Lorraine and inalco.
With Aliento come to explore ancient sapiential texts from the middle Ages (9th c.) and the Orient, through al-Andalus, to the West and present times.
The Aliento database will enable you to enter Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, Castilian and Catalan medieval wisdoms, discover their precious advices and search for maxims, sentences and proverbs which, in many cases, are still in use today.

[A Jew and a Muslim playing chess in thirteenth-century Spain during the reign of Alphonse X of Castile (El libro de los Juegos, 1283)
Aliento is grateful to the following institutions and laboratories for their support to the project :
The Région Lorraine ; the CPER ; Romania/LIS ; le CERMOM ; the BULAC ; the CREM ; HISCANT ; Métropole du Grand-Nancy.