We propose here a non exhaustive list of works on the 22 sapiential texts present in the ALIENTO platform. We have organised the bibliography as follows :
1) The sapiential writings classified in alphabetical order, to which we have added critical references. We have classified these references under specific headings linked to each sapiential text. These bibliographies appear in the querying platform, linked to each text under the heading ‘metadata’
2) To these sapiential texts, we indicate others that are related more or less directly. This bibliography also provides critical references about them :
De vita et moribus philosophorum
Dits moraux des philosophes et The Dicts and Sayings of the Philosophers
3) We also provide a few references on Sapiential literature, sources and transmissions.
4) Another area includes an important component of the project : Proverb literature, classified under these headings : Miscellaneous Works ; Formal Charecteristics ; Methodology ; Genre and Category ; Semantics ; Linguistic and Language, as well as Proverb Books of the Iberian Peninsula and their Posterity.
5) A last section, essential in our research, focuses on Digital Humanities. We provide a very brief bibliography of the fiel.
The project ANR ALIENTO has been structured around 8 related sapiential texts :
- Kitab âdâb al-falâsifa (attributed to a 9th-C. Syrian scholar) ;
- Libro de los Buenos Proverbios (13th, Castilian translation from Muhammad al-Ansâri’s 11th C.-manuscript of Kitâb âdâb al-Falâsifa or Nawadir al-falasifa) ;
- Sefer Musre ha-philosophim (13th, Jehuda al-Harizi’s hebrew translation of the Kitâb âdâb al-Falâsifa) ;
- Mubashshir ibn-Fatik’s Mukhtâr al-Hikam de (11th ) ;
- Bocados de oro (13th, Mukhtar al-Hikam Castilian translation) ;
- Liber philosophorum moralium antiquorum (13th, Latin translation of Bocados de oro and/or Mukhtar al-Hikam) ;
- jafudà Bonsenyor’s Llibre de paraules e dits de savis e filòsofs (13th, Catalan translation related to Mukhtar al-Hikam, Bocados de oro, Liber philosophorum moralium antiquorum)
- Yehudah ibn Tibbon’s Miv’har ha-pninim (A 12th C. translation of the Mukhtar al-Jawâhir, attributed to Shelomo ibn Gabirol).