There are three different levels of annotations: the BSS itself, its meaning (sense), its form (structure). The information we present here are detailed on the site, on the working platform and on the consultation platform. Two documents are available: the annotations guide and the annotated keywords list The annotation protocol has been established in close collaboration with linguists, NLP specialists (automated Natural Language Processing) and the Aliento annotators. It has been subject to arbitrations for the purpose of finding a middle-of-the-road annotation, neither too precise and specific nor too general and undifferentiated.
- The long-awaited critical edition of Jafudà Bonsenyor’s El Llibre de paraules i dits de savis i filòsofs (1291-1294), jointly authored by Maria Conca and Josep Guia, has just been published by Valencia University Press (PUV) under the title: La saviesa de transmissió aràbiga en la Mediterrània occidental.
- David Navarro, Associate Professor of Medieval Iberian Literature at Texas State University, San Marco, collaborates on the project Aliento
proverbium apophtegme
مَوعِظة paremia pasuq
maxima pitgam dits
مَثل paraules retraire
dictum mathal proverbi
fazanna حِكمة midrash
פתגם enxemplo hikma
apotegma maxime משל
dicho mashal פסוק chria
viesso פרק exemplum
عقليّ dicts castigaçio
refrán מוסר sentences
mawa’iz fablilla musar
sententia adagia عِظة
conseja pereq מדרש
proverbe palabra ‘aqlî