Personal info
Josep GUIA MARÍN has a PhD in Mathematics (1974) and in Philology (2008) from the Universitat de València, where he was ‘Vicerector’ (1984-86), Chairman Election Board (1986-2006) and Professor at the Algebra Department (1971-2010). He has published works on General typology in scientific journals of Mathematics and several books on Catalan National concern. In 1990, in collaboration with Professor María Conca, he reoriented his research towards philology, particularly phraseology and paraemiology, from a diachronic and contrastive perspective, as applied to discourse analysis, stylometry, history of literature and to sapiential texts. He wrote many articles and books on these subjects. He also worked on Historical Memory, about the Repression during Franco dictatorship. He has been awarded prizes for his essays and his research on philology.
Involvement in the project
Study, edition and encoding of Jafudà Bonsenyor’s Catalan book Llibre de paraules e dits de savis e filòsofs (13th Century)
Publications related to the projet
In collaboration with María Conca, Els primers reculls de proverbis catalans, Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 1996
Ficció i realitat a l’Espill. Una perspectiva fraseològica i documental, València: PUV, 2010.
With C. Wittlin, “Nine Problem Areas Concerning Tirant lo Blanc”, Arthur Terry (ed.), Tirant lo Blanc: New Approaches, London: Tamesis, 1999, 109-126
With María Conca, Verba volant, scripta manent: An Historical Panorama of Catalan Paremiology from its Origins to the Renaissance”, Proverbium, 20 (2003) 71-94
“Hacia una caracterización fraseológica de los estilos literarios”, Gloria Corpas (ed.), Las lenguas de Europa: Estudios de fraseología, fraseografía y traducción, Granada: Comares, 2000, 75-93.
“Propuestas teóricas y metodológicas para el estudio de las unidades frásicas en contexto”, Pàmies, Antonio, Pazos, José Manuel, Luque, Lucía, (eds.), Phraseology and Discourse: Cross Linguistic and Corpus-based Approaches. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2012, 31-41. ISBN 978-3-8340-1069-8
With María Conca, “El Llibre de paraules e dits de savis e filòsofs, de jahudà bonsenyor, texto sapiencial catalán del siglo xiii : transmisión y traducciones”, Énoncés sapientiels et littérature exemplaire: une intertextualité complexe, 3e Colloque International d’ALIENTO (Université de Nancy – INALCO, Paris, novembre de 2011)