Sarah Gimenez holds a Master 2 LLCER Hebrew and a Master 2 LLCE Spanish, she is currently doing her PhD on a judeo-spanish proverbs collection. She obtained a doctoral contract with INALCO and is a lecturer.
Her Master’s thesis in Spanish was titled: “The Portuguese Conversos Facing the Inquisition in Spain in the Seventeenth Century: The Case of Juan Nuñez Saravia”
And her Master’s thesis in Hebrew: “Critical edition of the Judeo-Spanish proverbs collection (Salonika) of Israel Salvator Revah”.
Role in the project
Within the Aliento project, she has translated into French, English and Spanish and tagged many chapters of the Miv’har ha-p’ninim and now deals with the Judeo-Spanish proverbs collection of I.S. Revah.