The long-awaited critical edition of Jafudà Bonsenyor’s El Llibre de paraules i dits de savis i filòsofs (1291-1294), jointly authored by Maria Conca and Josep Guia, has just been published by Valencia University Press (PUV) under the title: La saviesa de transmissió aràbiga en la Mediterrània occidental.

The authors establish the text of the critical edition by taking manuscript C as the base text and collating it with the other eight, according to carefully spelled-out criteria. To this thorough work, they add a paremiological study of each of the brief sapiential statements and provide reliable information as to the author’s possible sources on the basis of a comparison with other texts written in Latin and Romance languages, which contain translations of Hebrew and Arabic sources also used by Jefudà Bonsenyor. This collatio enables us to correct copy errors and re-evaluate modern editions of the text. In addition to a detailed linguistic study, the authors propose the formal structures of the brief sapiential statements, based on the work carried out as part of the Aliento project. The edition is enriched by new information on the author himself, the tradition in which his work is immersed, and the multicultural and political context from which it emerged.

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