ACHARD-BAYLE Guy (PU – Université de Lorraine)

Personal info

Guy ACHARD-BAYLE (10/26/1950) is holder of the ‘agrégation’ in French Literature (1992), the Doctorate obtained  at the University of Nancy 2 in Language Sciences and the Habilitation à diriger des Recherches in 2002 at Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle in Language Sciences. He is full Professor in Textual linguistics at the Université de Lorraine (Metz) since 2004, a member of the CELTeD (Center for Linguistic Studies of Texts and Discourses) and since 2012 of the CREM (Center of Research on Mediation). He taught in different universities (1998-2004) as Lecturer, PRAG and PRCE : Paris VI, X, Toulouse II.

His fields of research : Cognitive Linguistics, Textual Linguistics, hypertext, semantics and natural logic. He wrote three books (2001, 2008, 2012) and from 1996 on more than a hundred national and international publications, most of which in peer-reviewed journals.
His function as instructor, FLE (French as Foreign Language) and linguistic an cultural cooperation gave him the opportunity to teach about 12 years (1975-1988) at the MAE(E).

Involvement in the project

Research in paremiology; linguistic and formal description of the sapiential statements; semantic analysis

Publications related to the projet

– “Metaphors and Intercomprehension”, in F. Capucho & al. (eds), Actes du Colloque européen Diálogos em Intercompreensão (Projets Socrates Eu&I, Galanet et Minerva II & Commission Européenne/Direction Générale d’Éducation et Culture), Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Lisbonne (6-8 septembre 2007), 2008, 83-98

– « Circulations et variations d’énoncés sapientiels dans le corpus de référence : contacts des langues et des cultures », in Antonio Pamies, Juan de Dios Luque Durán, Patricia Fernández Martín (eds.), Paremiología y herencia cultural, Granada, Granada Lingvistica (forthcoming)

– « Démon du classement et parémiologie », in ALIENTO – Echanges Sapientiels en Méditerranée, n° 2, 2011, p. 259-280

– (with Bertille SCHNEIDER) “Les énoncés parémiques, hypo- et paratactiques: des constructions syntaxiques aux interpretations sémantiques” , proceedings of the conference Parataxe, University  of Neuchâtel, 02/12-15/2007,, Paris and Berne, Peter LANG (in preparation)