HATHOUTI Marouane (Doctorant – Université de Lorraine)


Marouane HATHOUTI is in his preparatory year for a thesis on the Arabic literature of the extreme contemporary which will be directed by Laurence Denooz. He obtained last year (2016/2017) a Master degree in the field of Research within the Master MECO (Mediterranean, Central and Eastern Europe), specialty: Arabic.

His thesis subject for the Master’s degree concerned the psychology of the body in Moroccan literature of the end of the 20th century in two novels: For Bread Alone by Mouhammed Choukri and The Child of Sand by Tahar Ben Jelloun. His thesis project will concern the Algerian theater of the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21th century.

His interest for the mechanisms of knowledge transmission and the circulation of Arabic texts from the classical period led him to join the Aliento team in October 2017.

Role in the project:

Tagging, notation of brief sapiential statements in Arabic texts in particular in Mukhtar Al Hikam.